Tuesday 4 October 2011

NO ! to NHS changes made by millionaires

Fed up with Con-Dem pro millionaire shutting down of NHS in England.  The Libs should be ashamed of betraying their voters and must rebel against this change.
I am fed up with some right-wing reactionist politicians (yes, reactionist, as this is a reversion back to Victorian days, when only the rich could afford good health care and doctors).  Cameron claims he'd "give people CHOICE":  Yes, the choice to receive inferior treatment if they cannot pay for it.
And where is the "United" in this Kingdom, if Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have a well structured NHS, when Cameron decide to take England into the dark ages?  I hope that
quite a few take Cameron before the European Court of Human Rights for denying ordinary people their livelihoods.
It can only be hoped that the coalition founders and new elections follow suit.

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